Social thinking
Date:2024/9/30 9:50:02 /Read: /Source:本站
Social thinking
When feeling threatened, only people with high self-esteem become very hostile - proud, rude, and unfriendly.
Source: In an experiment, Bushman&Baumeister (1998) asked 540 college student volunteers to write a paragraph, and another student praised them ("Good article!") or made a sarcastic comment ("This is the worst article I have ever seen"). Then have the authors of those articles play a reaction time game with other students.
When someone's opponent fails, the author can attack the opponent with noise of any intensity and duration. After the article was criticized, those with the strongest self-esteem - those who agree with "narcissistic" statements such as "I am more capable than others" - "have abnormal aggression." They use noise torture for three times longer than ordinary self-esteem sufferers. Injured self-esteem triggers retaliatory behavior.
Baumeister (1996) said, "Those passionate advocates for the self-esteem movement are either fantasies or nonsense." He claimed to have "published more research on self-esteem than anyone else. The impact of self-esteem is small, limited, and not always good, "he pointed out. People with high self-esteem are often annoying. And they often like to interrupt and interrupt others. They like to comment on people rather than talk to them (compared to those shy, humble, and low self-esteem people who don't like to show off). My conclusion is that self-control is far more valuable than self-esteem
So, those self inflated people who often do bad things. Are they trying to conceal their inner insecurity and low self-esteem? Are those overconfident and narcissistic people using a mask of exaggeration to cover up their weak selves? Many researchers are trying to find the low self-esteem hidden within this shell. However, no evidence has been found through research on fraudsters, gang members, genocide dictators, and annoying narcissists. Baumeister and his co authors (2003) pointed out that "Hitler had a very high self-esteem
Dawes (1994) concluded, "The hidden lack of self-esteem is the ether of psychologists in the new century. The ether was once thought to be a medium of light waves that pervades the entire space. It has been proven that it is undetectable, and the concept of ether was abandoned with the introduction of Einstein's theory of relativity. The belief that hidden low self-esteem is the root of all evil is even more absurd, and all existing evidence contradicts it
The dark side of high self-esteem also exists in stress. It has also been found that people with low self-esteem are more vulnerable to various clinical problems, including anxiety, loneliness, and eating disorders. When feeling terrible or threatened, they tend to view everything through colored glasses - paying attention to and remembering others' worst behavior and believing that their partner does not love them (Murray&others, 1998, 2002; Ybarra, 1999).
Christina Salmivalli and her colleagues at Teki University in Finland (1999) further pointed out that gang members exhibit a self-defense style exaggerated self-esteem pattern. Those who have 'true self-esteem', that is, those who do not need to seek attention or be provoked by criticism to clearly feel self-worth. Will protect victims of violent behavior more frequently. When we are confident that we feel good, our self-defense awareness decreases (Epstein&Feist, 1988; Jordan&others,2003)。 We will not be so shameless and good at commenting, nor will we praise those who like us or blame those who don't like us (Baumgardner&others, 1989).
Compared to individuals with fragile self-esteem, those with a clear sense of self-esteem based more on a good sense of self rather than scores, appearance, money, or compliments from others will always feel in a good state (Kemis, 2003; Sehimel&others,2001)。 Crocker and colleagues (Crocker&others, 2002, 2003, 2004) confirmed this in their research on students at the University of Michigan. Compared to individuals whose self-esteem is primarily based on internal factors such as personal qualities, those who have a fragile sense of self-worth and whose self-esteem is mainly based on external factors will experience more stress, anger, interpersonal problems, drug and alcohol abuse, and eating disorders. Crocker&Lorar Park (2004) pointed out that ironically. Those who seek self-esteem by becoming beautiful, wealthy, or popular. Turning a blind eye to things that are truly beneficial for improving the quality of life. To elaborate further. If a good sense of self is our goal, we will not neglect criticism. We will be more inclined to criticize others rather than pouring emotions into them. We will be more inclined to pursue success under pressure rather than just finding joy in action.
Crocker and Parker pointed out that over time, seeking self-esteem in this way cannot satisfy the desires of going too far, going too luxurious, and going too far. "However, most of us are not very wise. In terms of subjective and social approval, most people feel that they are above average. Compared to the overall level, most people consider themselves to have higher moral standards, more competent in their work, friendlier, smarter, more handsome, less biased, healthier, even more insightful, and more objective in self-evalsuation (see "Focus: Self Service Bias - How to Love Yourself? Let's See What Aspects").
Editor:TJ Fluorine film
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